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Jenny is by far the best trainer I’ve ever had.


I look forward to my early morning sessions with her and leave feeling buzzed for the day. I am getting real results and her support with any questions at any time during the week ensures I stay on track.  I couldn’t recommend her enough!


Throughout my whole teenage life, and into my twenties - I constantly struggled with my weight and body confidence.  I didn't want to go on holidays, I even hated when summer came around - winter was my favourite.  I battled with yo-yo diets, and wasted money on gym memberships that never last more than two weeks.  I came to the conclusion that exercise just wasn't "for me". 


I stumbled across Jenny's website by complete accident, but getting in touch was the best thing I've ever done for myself.  One year and three months on I enjoy exercise more than I ever thought I could.  Jenny keeps it interesting and not only does she educate me on exercise, but also nutrition - what foods to eat at what times, and how much I should be consuming for my own personal goals.  I was sceptical of weightlifting before coming to see Jenny, I didn't want to look "bulky", but she soon made me see the importance of lifting weights for a toned physique, that weights benefit everyone - even girls! 


Within 10 months I had reached my initial personal goals and for the first time in my life I was happy on the beach! 


You work hard with Jenny but you're definitely reap the benefits and gain an amazing friend along the way.  My one-on-one sessions with Jenny have fast become one of the things I look forward to most every week.


I would shout from the rooftops to recommend Jenny.  She is professional, results driven, kind, and has the most wonderful energy that would pick anyone up on your lowest days.  


I can say without any reservation, that Jenny has opened my eyes to a whole new outlook, in all aspects of my life. 


I got married this year and last Christmas I was extremely unhappy with by body shape, I had grown into a size that I had never been before.


I looked online for different options; joining a gym was not an option for me. I tried it before and did not like it.  I felt very self conscious and I knew I needed someone by my side to make sure I was working correctly.


I contacted Jenny and it is up there as one of the best things I have done.  I had my consultation and she asked me my goals and what I wanted to achieve.  Jenny designed a food and one to one workout programme for me and I have never looked back.  I really look forward to my sessions with Jenny. I am eating what I love and it's the best I have ever eaten. I have reached my goals and am delighted with myself. Jenny has been by my side all the way (even on my wedding day). 


My advice...stop thinking about it! Just do it! You will feel a million dollars! Just an FYI when I changed address Jenny was on the button asking for my new address. I honestly feel if I had ever given up at any stage she would be knocking on that door! Exactly what I needed :)


In one line:


"Jenny rocks" 


Jenny is a hugely positive, supportive and knowledgeable personal trainer.  From your very first session, Jenny will help you build upon whatever level of fitness you find yourself at and encourage you to go that extra mile to gain the results you desire.


I have often arrived at the gym feeling blue and lethargic but miraculously always leave with improved energy and a smile on my face because of Jenny’s lovely spirited personality.


Jenny gives you the motivation to put in the hard work by giving you little reminders of how that halter neck dress or bikini will look in summer and how your Christmas dress will fit so nicely.


She's always there to give you a laugh when you really just feel you can't do any more training. 


Tel: +353 86 0505 395

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